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Laboratory Support
To submit your application, please complete these steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile.

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button.

**If you are a current or former employee of EMSL Analytical Inc. or LA TESTING please contact HR via email at jobopportunities@emsl.com to inform them you have applied and submitted your information to a position.** Accessibility-If you need accommodation accessing the career page, please contact Human Resources at 1-800-220-3675 ext 1524. EOE including Veterans and Disabled

Save Time

Use your resume or LinkedIn Profile to fill in many of the fields on this application form.

Personal Information

How did you hear about us?

Additional Information

Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status (ie H1-B visa status)? 
Please answer Yes or No below. 

Technical Difficulties

If you are experiencing technical difficulties attaching your resume, please email your resume to jobopportunities@emsl.com please indicate the opportunity and location. **If you are a current or former employee of EMSL Analytical Inc. or LA TESTING please contact HR to inform them you have applied and submitted your information to a position.** Accessibility-If you need accommodation accessing the career page, please contact Human Resources at 1-800-220-3675 ext 4030 EOE including Veterans and Disabled.

Upload Your Resume

Upload your resume if you have not already done so. Alternatively you can type or copy and paste your resume into the Resume Text field below.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10MB.

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Add Resume

Resume Text

You can copy and paste your resume into the box below.


Upload any additional attachments.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 10MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 10MB.

Add Attachment


Employment History

If you do not have work experience-Enter NA in the text fields and a place holder date for the date fields. -if you have questions contact careers@emsl.com
Volunteer Experience is acceptable to note

Add Work History

Education History

Please list highest level of education completed.

Level of Education

Check/Uncheck All
Add Education


Please provide supervisor/manager references and/or Academic reference professor and/or advisor references for below.

Add Reference

Certificates and Licenses

Add Certificate And License
I certify that all information in this application is true and correct as of this date.

Applicant Statement

I certify that all information I have supplied in this application and in any other form, oral or written, is true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.  I understand that any information provided by me that is found to be false, incomplete, or misrepresented in any respect will be sufficient cause to (a) cancel further consideration of this application or (b) immediately discharge me from the employer’s service, whenever it is discovered.

I expressly authorize, without reservation, EMSL Analytical, Inc., its representatives, employees, and/or agents to contact and obtain information from all references (personal and professional), employers, public agencies, licensing authorities, and educational institutions I have provided and to otherwise verify the accuracy of all information provided by me in this application, contained in my resume, or furnished during a job interview. I also give permission for EMSL Analytical, Inc. to conduct for criminal background checks. I hereby waive any and all rights and claims I may have regarding EMSL Analytical, Inc., its representatives, employees, and/or agents for seeking, gathering, and using such information in the employment process but understand my right to privacy shall be respected and the inquiries treated in confidence.

I understand EMSL Analytical, Inc. does not unlawfully discriminate in employment and no question on this application is used for the purpose of limiting or excusing any applicant from consideration for employment on a basis prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal law. If I am hired, I understand that my employment will be at will. This means that I am free to resign at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice, and EMSL Analytical, Inc. reserves the same right to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice, except as may be required by law. This application does not constitute an agreement or contract of employment for any specified period or definite duration. I understand that no supervisor or representative of EMSL Analytical, Inc. is authorized to make any assurances to the contrary and that no implied, oral or written agreements contrary to the foregoing express language are valid. 

 I understand EMSL Analytical, Inc. maintains a drug-free workplace and agree that maintenance of same is essential to the safety of the workplace and employees. I promise to abide by the EMSL’s policies prohibiting the use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or any controlled substances, or the misuse
of prescribed or over-the-counter medication on EMSL premises or while on duty. I also understand also that I may be tested for drugs, alcohol, or controlled substances if I am employed by EMSL Analytical, Inc.
If I am hired, I agree to comply with and be bound by EMSL Analytical, Inc.’s safety and health rules and regulations, rules of conduct, and any other rule or procedure set forth by EMSL Analytical, Inc.
I understand that if I am hired, I will be required to provide proof of identify and legal authority to work in the United States and that federal immigration laws require me to complete an I-9 Form in this regard.

Candidate Sign Off

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.


If you are experiencing technical difficulties attaching your resume, please email your resume and cover letter to jobopportunities@emsl.com please indicate the opportunity and location to which you are applying. **If you are a current or former employee of EMSL Analytical Inc. or LA TESTING please contact HR directly to inform them you have applied and submitted your information to a position.** Accessibility-If you need accommodation accessing the career page, please contact Human Resources at 1-800-220-3675 ext 1524. EMSL Analytical Inc. is EOE including Veterans and Disabled

Application Review

Equal Opportunity Employer

EOE including Veterans and Disabled