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Terrain Park Crew (Winter 2025)
To submit your application, please complete the following steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile and apply for any additional roles.

Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long.

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the "Login Page" button.

Personal Information

Please complete your contact details or review/update if you are a returning applicant.

Should you wish to advise us of your preferred Gender Pronoun, you can do so here.

We understand there are more pronouns people may choose to use. Should your preferred pronoun not appear in this list, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email human.resources@vailresorts.com.au.

Please ensure you enter your correct date of birth using the Australian format dd/mm/yyyy.
(We suggest you select your birth date from the calendar but don't forget to select your correct year of birth too!)


How did you hear about us?

Please tell us how you FIRST heard about employment with us.

Were you referred by someone to work with us this season?

If you were referred by a Perisher, Falls Creek or Hotham employee, or by a friend or family member, please tell us that person's first and last names.
(Your referee will go in the running to win some amazing prizes for referring you, so make sure we know who they are! - Sorry, you can't win prizes by referring yourself though!)

If you know your referee's email address, please let us know to help make sure we have the right person for the prize draw!
(This email address will not be used for any other purpose and we will not contact this person unless they are a lucky prize winner)

Pre-Employment Questions

Please answer all of the following questions honestly.

Are you an Australian Citizen?
(Please select the statement that is applicable to you)

If you speak any languages other than English, please list them here along with how well you speak them.
(eg: French - basic or Mandarin - fluent)

All employees may be subject to random or targeted testing for the presence of drugs and/or alcohol whilst on duty.
Do you understand and agree to these terms and conditions of employment?

Please select your preferred resort you wish to be considered for.
(For those not familiar with our resort locations, Perisher is located in New South Wales and Falls Creek and Hotham are located in Victoria)

If you have applied for more than one position, please briefly tell us your first preference and why you would like to work in that role.
(Please enter "N/A" if you have only applied for one position)

If you would like to list a second preference of position, please do so here.

What is your current Skiing ability?

What is your current Snowboarding ability?

Are you available to work full-time from early June to 30th September?

If you are not available full-time for the whole season, please detail your availability here.
(e.g. Uni/School holidays only, weekends only or a specific date range)

Are you currently living in the local area?
If not, when do you plan to relocate?

If you are successful in securing a role, will you require Staff Accommodation this season?
If yes, please be aware Staff Accommodation beds are only offered on a share basis and there will be between 2 to 8 people allocated to a room, depending on the style of the property.
We do not offer single-occupancy rooms in Staff Accommodation.

If successful in gaining employment, do you intend to bring your car?

Are you applying with another person?
If yes, please select your relationship to that person.

If you are applying with someone, please tell us that person's first and last names:

Have you participated in any form of Interview with Perisher, Falls Creek or Hotham in the past?

Have you worked for Perisher, Falls Creek or Hotham previously?

If yes, please detail your role(s) and what year(s) you worked at either Perisher, Falls Creek or Hotham.

Have you worked for Vail Resorts previously at any of our resorts in the USA or Canada?

If yes, please detail your role and which resort(s) and year(s) you worked there.

Upload Your Resume

Please upload your resume if you have not already done so.
Supported formats are PDF or Word.doc/.docx.

Please note: After attaching your resume, the file name will display as "Last Name Resume.file type" - for example: "Smith Resume.PDF".

Toggle Accordion
Add Resume

Cover Letter

Please enter any additional information in this area such as any important information you think we need to know about you or your application.

Role-Specific Questions

Please answer the following questions honestly.

Further Attachments

Please upload copies of your Australian Work Entitlement (AWE) documents:
Passport Bio Page, or
An Australian Birth/Citizenship Certificate, or
An Approved Visa Documentation

You may also include any additional supporting documentation:
Relevant certificates/documentation
Relevant licenses/tickets
Written Reference Letters

(If you are having trouble adding attachments to this application, you can email any supporting documents to human.resources@vailresorts.com.au)

Add Attachment
NOTE: You have just completed a LATE APPLICATION for this role. You will only be contacted if an employment opportunity arise that is suited to your skills and experience for this role.

Candidate Declaration

By eSigning, I hereby certify that all of the information I have provided in this employment application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct at the time of eSigning.

By eSigning, I acknowledge and understand that as a Late Applicant I will only be contacted should an employment opportunity arise that is suited to my skills and experience.

Type your full name in this box.


Please select today's date from the calendar before clicking "Submit".

Application Review